Voter Reference Foundation (VRF) is taking action to protect Arizona from the disaster that is Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). After tens of thousands of duplicate signatures were identified, the lower courts determined there was not clear and convincing evidence to prove these signatures should be invalidated.
In an Amicus Brief filed with the Arizona State Supreme Court, VRF and our Executive Director Gina Swoboda, argue that the lower court applied a burden of proof higher than what is required by law and excluded the evidence of these duplicate signatures.
The lower court’s flawed logic determined that because the individuals identifying these duplicate signatures had no expert handwriting analysis credentials that the signatures could not be submitted as evidence. This determination completely ignored the additional supporting information that included the address and printed names of the signers along with voter registration records proving only a single individual was registered at the address.
VRF is proud to stand for election integrity and we will continue to fight to secure our election process and ensure that voters are able to confidently cast their ballots and know that their votes will count.
The court Filings can be found below: