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Voter Reference Foundation today added 2020 election data from Oklahoma into the searchable database at

As the 20th state to be added to, Oklahoma will join Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

The addition of Oklahoma continues VRF’s commitment to election records transparency as part of the process to restore faith in our elections. Accurate voter rolls are fundamental to ensuring safe and secure elections. The VRF database allows voters to crowdsource detection and reporting of potential issues and errors. VRF’s database is the first of its kind, seeking to create an accurately maintained national voter list. is a permanent reference source where the voter rolls and other tools will be stored and updated for review with each election. Those who access the website can search by name or address for registered voters. They also will be able to examine voter histories — a list of elections that voters participated in, as well as other important election data obtained via official sources.  

  The VRF was created by Restoration Action, an educational 501c4 organization founded by West Point graduate and successful entrepreneur Doug Truax. A former U.S. Senate candidate in Illinois, Truax is deeply interested in election integrity, as expressed in this 2021 op-ed in American Greatness and 2022 follow-up op-ed in Real Clear Politics.